日常生活 Daily Life

Vlog-First Manicure Experience 美甲初體驗 ft.皮Pi




Pi and I want to experience a manicure before the start of the university. This store is what Pi saw from the IG advertisement. We all like the style.It is also a relatively close place. Moreover, the price offered by the manicurist will not be too high.The manicurist is very nice, and she also said that it’s okay if I can give you a reference on the price,but I think you should send the picture to the manicurist by yourself,and she will give you a price range, which will be more accurate~

The studio space is very comfortable. The color of the environment is beige. The manicurist is also very talkative during the process. It won’t make people feel bored and want to sleep.However,the quality of the work won’t be deteriorated because of the chat. The manicurist will also ask us from time to time if our styling is okay,and she will satisfy us when we give opinions,and she don’t want to let the customers make do with, wanting to find out our favorite color,and so on. She takes customers seriously~


Actually, the manicurist has just started for three months, but my other friends who often do manicures say that the wraps are very good and the details are very delicate~

皮的款式 Pi’s style :

我的款式 My style :

店家資訊 : 

IG : minthe.nnail

工作室地址 : 西屯路二段上石北二巷8號二樓

營業時間 : 11:00 ~ 22:00